For quite a while now there has been a question on {TeX}.SE about how to modify the ratio of the two harpoons indicating an equilibrium reaction. There is also a nice solution (by Matthew Leingang) to the problem using mhchem. Since the question predates the chemformula part of chemmacros the following solution couldn’t yet have been provided: [cce lang=”latex”]\documentclass{article} \usepackage{chemmacros} \begin{document} \ch{CH2OH + ATP <=>>[Hexokinase] “glucose~6-phosphate” + ADP + H+} \ch[arrow-ratio=.2]{CH2OH + ATP <=>>[Hexokinase] “glucose~6-phosphate” + ADP + H+} \end{document}[/cce] Note: The quotation marks around [cce inline=”true” lang=”latex”]”glucose~6-phosphate”[/cce] prevent it from being treated as a formula.

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